MHCC students have many options when it comes to completing your associate's degree and then transferring to a four-year college to complete a bachelor's degree!
- Articulation Agreements. Some of our majors have direct transfer agreements with universities. Check our Articulation Agreements page for the most current agreements and requirements.
- University Co-Admission / Degree Partnership Programs . Some university majors are not offered at the community college level, or perhaps you would like to transfer after two years at MHCC even if you aren't yet finished with your associate's degree. Co-Admission may be the right choice for you!
- Transfer Degrees. MHCC offers several degrees that were designed with transfer in mind. AAOT: Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer; ASOT-Business: Associate of Science Transfer in Business; ASOT-Computer Science: Associate of Science Transfer in Computer Science; AS: Associate of Science. Be sure to work closely with both your MHCC adviser and a university transfer adviser to ensure you are taking the right lower-division courses for your intended university degree.
Additional MHCC resources:
- HD225: Transferring to a Four-Year College. This 2-credit online course is offered every fall and winter term and is designed to help you determine your course of action when transferring to a university. Students will complete a campus visit to the college of their choice, learn about university life and culture, when and how to apply, learn more about scholarships and financial aid, and create a university budget. No textbook required!
- Career Planning and Counseling Center. MHCC's professional counselors can help you with the important process of choosing a career path and/or college major.
- TRIO - Student Support Services. TRIO-SSS provides academic, career, personal, and transfer advising, financial aid and scholarship information and guidance, tutoring, and 4-year college and university visits to eligible MHCC students whose goals are to earn a certificate or associate’s degree from MHCC and then transfer to a 4-year college or university in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree.
- Academic Advising & Transfer Center. Students with General Studies as a major, or who are taking prerequisites for a limited/restricted-entry program should meet with an adviser to create an education plan. Advisers can also help connect you with university transfer advisers and other transfer resources.
- Program Advisers. Meet with a faculty member in your major/program!
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